Can someone help me fix netscape? I am using communicator as my mail client.
it never used to do this but see below: all my newbie digests and a lot of
other mail
(but not all) is comnig in as attachments or something like below, so I have
to click it
to read the actual text in the browser window. Very annoying!! I have played
with the options
but cant sort it out.

any ideas?


p.s please Cc to me as well as the list


> Table of content :
>  1. Re: [newbie] Memory detection problem
>  2. [newbie] /home question
>  3. Re: [newbie] imwheel probs
>  4. Re: [newbie] Names of win partitions - logic?
>  5. Re: [newbie] Oh God How true!
>  6. Re: [newbie] Names of win partitions - logic?
>  7. Re: [newbie] imwheel probs
>  8. Re: [newbie] /home question
>  9. Re: [newbie] how to share printers
>  10. Re: [newbie] PS/2 mouse weird behavior
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    Part 1.2.1Type: message/rfc822
>    Part 1.2.2Type: message/rfc822
>    Part 1.2.3Type: message/rfc822
>    Part 1.2.4Type: message/rfc822
>    Part 1.2.5Type: message/rfc822
>    Part 1.2.6Type: message/rfc822
>    Part 1.2.7Type: message/rfc822
>      Part 1.2.212Type: Plain Text (text/plain)

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