> Anybody else on this list old enough to remember when the "suits"
> didn't run things, and games/software were ported to every single
> platform, just because they could/it was neat? Circa '80's with
> names like Tandy, Atari, Amiga, etc, etc,... ;-)

Oh yes - those were the days!!!!!


I remember thinking all my birthdays had come at once when I managed to
upgrade my Sinclair ZX81 from 1kb to 16kb RAM.  And, that 16kb cost me
more than 64Mb would today...
The printer was a small thermal affair that printed on what can only be
described as silver toilet tissue at 50cps.  One generally printed about
4 copies, and then created one readable copy by the liberal use of

ObOldFogie - I seem to remember a GUI bearing more than a little
resemblance to Windoze that ran on a 48k Sinclair Spectrum...



"640K RAM is enough for ANYONE." - Bill Gates.

PS - The old ZX81 now functions as a very useful doorstop ;-D

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