KompuKit wrote:

> Is there a way to transfer webpages (i.e.  html,gif,jpg,)
> over to windows...BUT, leave the "type case" untouched?

I could have swore that I answered this one already ... anyway,
just do this from the command line

mkdir /home/username/temp
mv (filenames) temp   .... perhaps something like mv *.jpg
temp; mv *.mpg temp; mv *.html temp
cd temp
zip files.zip *
mv files.zip /mnt/WindowsParition

then from windows just unzip it .... your files shouldn't
change a bit.

Larry Hignight
Descent 3 beta tester
  8:10pm  up 4 days,  4:18,  5 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.06, 0.01

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