Well you could try ww.linmodems.org
They are currently developing winmodem support drivers for Linux.

At 11:28 05/08/00 +0300, you wrote:
>is it any possibility win modems to be supported under linux (mandrake)
>specialy lucent win modem ...
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2000 9:40 AM
>To: Linux-Mandrake
>Subject: [newbie] transferring files from linux to windows
>Is there a way to transfer webpages (i.e.  html,gif,jpg,)
>over to windows...BUT, leave the "type case" untouched?
>In other words, upon trying to transfer these types of files
>to windows...using copy/paste method...in KFM...
>it completes the exchange...but when I go look at the files
>in Windows 98...afterwards, all the files' filenames have
>been changed to either uppercase or lowercase type...
>and this being the scenario, I can't then use a windows
>to view the sites...in windows....cause of the link
>Unless, of course I first edit each and every single
>and with a huge site this could take a very long time.
>Please can someone help....?
>             Registered Linux User:167369
><=================    KompuKit    =====================>
>Kit Goins                                   ICQ# 7110071
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 Lowell, Mass.
>Web Designer            http://kitdesigns.bizhosting.com
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><=================    KompuKit    =====================>

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