Hi Mike,

This may sound stupid but is this all done from within Linux /sbin
In must have a programming block but the following command:

dd if=/dev/hda(x) of=bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1

Do I log in as 'root' and change directories to /sbin, and then type in:

dd if=/dev/hda8 of=bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1

Press the 'enter' key, and then copy it to my C partition?

Registered Linux User #179293

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike & Tracy Holt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 4:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Does any one know how to add information to
Boot.ini inWindows NT4 so that Linux will boot up?

You can either remove the offending lines altogther, or if you want to save
the lines for future reference you can put the '#' sign before each line you
want ignored.


> Michael,
> What syntax do you use for commenting out lines in Linux?
> Registered Linux User #179293
> Keep your penguin happy
> Romanator wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I know Paul has answered this briefly but... Has any one been
> > successfull in adding an entry to the  Boot.ini file of WIndows NT4? I
> > would like to see if NT4 will allow me to boot to Linux?
> >
> > I always thought that Windows cannot see the Linux partitions.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Roman
> > Registered Linux User #179293
> Really easy... first you need to boot into linux and move lilo to your /
> directory or your /boot directory, whichever one you're using.  Do this
> by editing the first line in /etc/lilo.conf to point to /dev/hda(x) (x
> being the partition number that your boot or / directory lives on) and
> then run lilo to set your changes.  Next, do:
> dd if=/dev/hda(x) of=bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1
> This will drop a bootable image called bootsect.lnx into the directory
> that you're sitting in when you run the command.  Copy this file to your
> NT or Windows 'C' partition.
> Finally, add a line to the bottom of your boot.ini file like this:
> C:\bootsect.lnx="whatever_you_want"
> Save the file and exit.  Next time you boot, you should see the NT
> bootloader giving you the option to boot into Linux.
> Make sure you comment out the 'prompt' and 'timeout' lines in lilo.conf
> before you do the 'dd' step so you won't have to answer questions on
> both bootloaders.
> Mike

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