Dan LaBine wrote:
> From: Dan LaBine
> Okay, Okay, Now Kiss and Make Up ! The Pissing contest ends here and now !
> The problem here is that you're all right to some extent, and that's causing
> all the disagreement.
>  Point #1 ) Darren,..You're right about this forum being for Linux help &
> news, but you're wrong about Windows95 being an operating system. But at the
> same time you're also right about it being an operating system. Confused,
> yet ? Not counting the upgrades of the various versions of Win95, there were
> THREE releases. The first, Win95 A, was a little too close to DOS for
> comfort, because they (Microsoft) hadn't quite nailed the 32 bit system.
> Win95 B came a long way towards that goal, and fixed an enormous batch of
> "Bugs". Win95 C (The last release), was the closest that Windows95 would
> come. Unfortunately, it wasn't as backwards compatible as most of us would
> have liked. But Darren, if an O/S was just an O/S, we wouldn't be here
> having this conversation.
> Point #2 ) Tom,...You're right on the money. Good to see someone focused on
> the best O/S on the planet, so far!
> Point #3 ) Adrian,...You're absolutely right about Windows3.0, and 3.11, but
> way out in left field on Windows95. It was an O/S all by itself, but I will
> admit that it was a "Clunky" one that was full of problems. The first
> version of Win95 (as previously mentioned, it is referred to as "A"), was
> intended to pave the way to get rid of DOS. I aggree that it didn't do a
> great job, but it wasn't running on DOS. Sorry. If you're Win98 system
> crashes when you try to run PKZIP, then you haven't allowed sufficient
> memory resources to your DOS prompt ICON. It runs just fine on every system
> I've ever had it on, including Windows98 SE. The question here is why use it
> at all?? Why not Winzip??
> Anyway, I just thought you guys could use a break from pissing each other
> off. I assume that the reason that your all here, instead of hanging around
> the Microsoft forums, is because you're all gratified in seeing that there
> are excellent alternatives to Windows. Linux is the first one that is
> becoming "User Friendly". I would like to think that it will become the next
> "Technological Marvel" accepted and used by Billions, er um, Millions of
> satisfied people. But
> why all the stress guys? What's it gonna prove? Don't think that just
> because someone writes an article in a magazine, that the article is a
> profound parable from a prophet or some thing. These guys make mistakes too.
> And remember that these articles are also the writers' opinion, not
> necessarily facts ! The whole thing with Linux is that you should learn ,
> and that involves personal experience, and studying, and playing with it.
> That's half the fun. You can screw it up as much as you want, write new
> apps, fix old apps, anything, and Linux will keep coming back for more!
> Anyway, that's my four cents!
> By the way, whats all this about a "delicate cough"? Did I miss something??
The delicate cough thing started a while back. it was the beginning of 
this thread, although not the original subject.

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