On Sat, 12 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> now that i finally got netscape up, i want to check out usenet, because i've 
> heard a lot about how it has a lot to offer in terms of articles and 
> subjects.  I searched all over the net, but i have only find a site, 
> www.usenet.com, that sells access to usenet....is this the vaunted usenet? I 
> thought it was free.
>                                                                       Vivek

Your internet service provider may indeed have a free usenet news server to
subscribers. There are a few free news servers left but not many. Deja news
provides a free web access to usenet. 

There are well over 25,000 news groups on usenet. The exact count varies from
server to server. 

If you do not have a news server (nntp server) with your ISP then you can
subscribe to one on the internet. 


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