Netscape 4.73 seems unable to load several java pages that are favorites
around my house, such as a couple of the games at Yahoo. The Mandrake
Update feature gives me a list of all the things it can get for me,
among which is Netscape 4.74, but every time I try to get it I get an
error ('error fetching').

The weird part is that I ftp'ed to half a dozen mirror sites, including
ones listed by the Updater, and can't find any 4.74 at all. All the
Netscapes available for download are 4.73.

Does anyone know if this 4.74 really exists? Is the Mandrake Updater
generally kinda flaky, or is it a local problem?

While I'm at it, does anyone know of a better browser? As someone who's
accustomed to IE, Netscape is a real disappointment.


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