You are right - I made a typo for hda4 - that should have read hda5.  It
is hda4 that does not exist on this system.

Thank you for pointing out my error.


"L. H. LOO" wrote:
> PMJI, I thought you should have a hda5 partition ? But I could be wrong,
> since I am such a "sin kek"  (aka newbie) myself ;-)
> At 13-08-2000 10:43 PM, you wrote:
> >My configuration has three FAT32 partitions on a single 6Gb disk, plus
> >the suspend partition, plus three Linux partitions!
> >
> >hda1 - suspend to disk
> >hda2 - Win98 C: (FAT32)
> >hda3 - Win98 D: (FAT32)
> >hda4 - Extended, contains:
> >hda6 - Win98 E: (FAT32)
> >hda7 - Linux Swap
> >hda8 - Linux /boot (ext2)
> >hda9 - Linux / (ext2)
> >
> >Regards,
> >Ozz.

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