=*= wrote:

> This is something symptomatic.  I clicked on this link, went
> to Slashdot and read the article.  In the article there is
> an image link --
> clicked on that because I'm a sucker for pictures.  I tried
> that for about 15 minutes and gave up.  It would start to
> download (210K) and hang after about 40K -- and hang and
> hang and hang.  I would cancel and try again, and nothing

I think that's called "the slashdot effect", alas...

> Uh, AOL does have this ... uh, reputation.  Know what I
> mean?


> Life is to short to use AOL for anything.

Hahaha!  I love it :D  That would make a great .sig!

> Phil

Kathleen Dickason
Registered Linux user #182139

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