Thanks!  Mike

> The hex editing is on io.sys. It changes verious messages, such as the
> starting windows 98 message. You can edit some other messages in there,
> browse through it.
> There is no hex editing needed to change the logo. The logos are stored in
> the files c:\logo.sys c:\windows\logos.sys c:\windows\logow.sys and, in
> windows 98, c:\windows\logow.w98. You can edit them in paintshop or most
> other image editors.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Mike & Tracy Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 6:08 PM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] winblows files
> > I'm curious, how did you do the correct hex editing?  I've changed the
> other
> > files without problem, but the one that changes the boot logo has
> > me.  Is it a registry hack to change the picture?  Is there a simple way
> to
> > do that hex change you speak of?
> >
> > Thanks, Mike
> >
> > > Yes, I am greedy, can send all the three over at my email address
> ?
> > > TIA, Regards
> > >
> > > At 13-08-2000 01:34 AM, you wrote:
> > > >I have a few files I put together that makes a slight change to
> windows.
> > > >Anyone want them?
> > > >
> > > >Change the 'starting windows 98' into 'shatered windows 98'
> > > >Change the shutdown screen to a picture of penquins.(non-atx)    128k
> > > >Change the shutdown screen to a picture of penquins.(atx)
> 128k
> > > >Change the windowz startup logo into a 'no windows' sign
> 128k
> > > >
> > > >The first one is a bit of hex editing on io.sys
> > > >The shutdown is there for either machines with an atx psu or for
> non-atx.
> > > >atx are those computers that turn themselves off.
> > >
> >

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