This was in response to Roman, not your message; surprise though, I do have
another response! <g>

> --- Actually --- my point is that Linux users need to pick the right
> hardware.  Don't purchase a winmodem and then expect it to work under

Why not?  It's intel platform and if one OS can do it, then so can another

> --- My second point was that by choosing the right hardware, the
> installation is very easy.  I don't use a cd/rw for an office machine.  A
> typical office machine is used by someone who sets appointments, sends
> email, prints documents.  The people in these types of jobs don't
> burn a cd.  My example was that an office Linux box is very fast to
> It really is very fast.  And I grant to everyone - that if a cd/rw was put
> in to the box -- or I was expected to put games on the machine - I'd
> different video, different amounts of RAM - and I wouldn't say that
> configuring Linux is fast.

I have my computer(s) here at home set up with multiple OS's and they're all
capable of handling whatever task I put to them.

> --- Next, when I go to the store, I never expect any new hardware that I
> purchase to work with the equipment that I already have ...  upgrading
> hardware rarely works. <snip>

What?!?  Do you replace your computer everytime you buy a new piece of
hardware???  I don't have that kind of money.

> Wouldn't you really like to look at
> the code behind Windows? -- and then be able to tell your neighbor. :-)

Not especially, Windows is Windows, Linux is Linux - I like them both for
what they do.


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