Larry, I think you missed the point of the original message.  Sometimes
people need to just be honest that yes, Linux has made a lot of improvements
but still does have some of it's own problems.  That's all it was - not a
slam to Linux or Mandrake or anyone else.  Of course, everybody has their
own take on that depending on their experience, and how they got where
they're at.  The problem is that sometimes people try to deny that Linux has
any problems at all, which just isn't true and that's what led to the long
string of replies in this thread.  That's the jist of the thread and yes,
win2k does support usb (and I believe that one of the service packs also
brought it to NT 4 - not sure on that however).


> I can hardly believe this thread.  There is no way in hell that any os
> (even ms) can have enough time and resources to write drivers for all the
> hardware out there.  I repeat ... not even MS.  Off the top of my head,
> Linux has better hardware support then any other os except ms win95/98.
> win2k/nt do usb?  what about ce?  Also, if more hardware companies would
> unified drivers then that would solve a number of problems.  Think Nvidia
> not 3dfx in the future.  Incidentally, 3dfx is a dinosaur and will be
> very soon.
> --
> Larry Hignight

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