Thanks, I did check this, but it seems to be set correctly.  :/

It's only on this list that I see dupes, not on the other two mailing lists
I subscribe to or with regular email...I wonder if it could be my server
doing something funny?

Dennis Myers wrote:

> You might check your preferences, I think I saw where you were using
> Netscape. If you don't check the take deleted messages off of the
> server, I'm not sure, but, you may get them loaded again when you
> reboot.  I'm not certain about this but seems like I read it on another
> thread somewhere.  Check and see, it does'nt seem right, but maybe that
> is the problem.
> Kathleen Dickason wrote:
> > I'm getting three copies of some posts anyone else?
> >
> > Kathleen

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