>>>>> On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, "Steve" == Steve Weltman wrote:

  Steve> Doug Doug Doug Doug Doug....

  Steve> Didn't ANYone ever explain the FINANCIAL implications of free
  Steve> software models to you?
                <snip in great detalil>

What does this thesis and response to MS as an OS versus Linux have
anything to do with Mandrake specifically on the Newbie help list.  Nobody
on the list derived any expertise from this dead horse, which initially did
not belong on the group either.   You will have to forgive me, as for a
moment, I thought I was in a chat room or on a news group, as there is
absolutely no substantiative material here regarding  Mandrake or its
operation as a distro.  Take it off line to the source.  Some of us
actually want to know about Mandrake.  Get a grip people and stay focused.


Today's thought: Life is what happens to you when you're making other plans.

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