Procmail.  Have you met my good friend /dev/null ?


On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Doug wrote:

>Ya I can go to the MS Web site and down load the fixes for Windows
>just like we can download the updates and fixes for Linux!
>Steve I thing your biggest problem is that Bill Gate's is successful
>and your not!
>Steve Weltman wrote:
>> Jason, not to be too personal, but if you can't get Linux to run faster,
>> longer and do all this with less effort in Linux than Windows, you are the
>> one with the problem, not the O/S you're comparing.
>> I would recommend a steady diet of intelligent, meaningful and thought
>> provoking conversation, followed up with some IN DEPTH proof that you have
>> Linux experience, and then write something worth reading.
>> I only use Windows (any flavor) because my company GAVE it to me and their
>> proprietary apps run only on it.  Otherwise, I use only software that
>> someone can see where it's broke (i.e. open source software, and this means
>> free most of the time as well).
>> Steve Weltman
>> By the way, I wouldn't brag about being from Iowa that much.  Flat,
>> uninspiring, quiet, and not happening.

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