On Fri, 01 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a new user of Linux from India. I've with me LM 7.1 Complete. I've two 
> problems
> 1. When I issue the Shutdown command from the console of KDE desktop, it 
> will close X-Windows and restarts (without rebootng) Linux in character 
> based single user mode. Here it automatically logins as root without asking 
> any password, even if I was logged as a normal user when issuing shutdown 
> command. It may create a security problem. Why is it so?

This sounds a bit odd.  Exactly what shutdown command are you issuing. It looks
like you are doing "shutdown -r now" and have inittab set to a default runlevel
of 1.  If that is the case, change your runlevel in inittab to something
sensible like 3, or 5.

> 2. When I browse the net using Navigator, some times after visiting several 
> sites my hard will begin to read continously. After that Navigator hangs and 
> I can't even kill it. Sometimes the whole system will not respond at all. My 
> system has Windows 98 running on another partition, which shows no problem 
> while browsing.

A few suggestions here -

Upgrade to whatever is the newest version of netscape-navigator. Don't even
try to use communicator. Communicator seems to be unstable on some systems, and
there are better options for everything it gives you over the plain navigator

Try increasing your cache size in netscape.

Run junkbuster & squid as procies

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

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