I use a PIII 500 with 64Mb of RAM. Starting up SO does take some time,
but I can handle that.
The problem is trying to do anything else on your computer, e.g.. use
Netscape. Once you change applications your disk starts swapping and
never stops.
I use VMware and Win95 with Office97. This uses less memory and is
'quicker' than using Staroffice.
Maybe I should buy some more RAM and give Staroffice another go.


"Austin L. Denyer" wrote:
> > All this about Star Office got me curious, so I timed it:
> >
> > System:
> > AMD K6-3, 400
> > Asus p5A-b
> > RAM = 192 (64 + 128 )
> > HDA = WD 13.6GB
> > HDB = WD 30.7GB
> > SWAP = 128mb
> > OS = SUSE 6.4 - "Practically Everything" option (HDA is almost full)
> >
> > So, from starting to move the cursor to the KDE panel icon to Star
> > Office fully up was:  20.3 seconds.
> >
> > Still, I firmly believe in one fundamental law of computing:
> >
> > There's no such a thing as too much hard drive space or too much RAM.
> I would give you exact times for mine, but I recently re-installed Linux
> and have not bothered to re-install StarOffice.
> I do remember from previous timings that from clicking on the icon to
> being able to use it was 3 or 4 minutes.  It took 60 seconds just to get
> the splash screen...
> Regards,
> Ozz.

Francois Swanepoel
AIX, HACMP and ADSM System Administrator
Tel: +2673616961
Fax: +267304144

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