If you do not like that graphical version, there are several others at:


Peronally I like Ksetiwatch, it provides a lot of statistics on the
units you've processed.

I've been running it for about 11 month's and I've completed 238 units
with an average of 19 hours 45 minutes.

Since I updated my hardware (Celeron 333@417 96meg RAM and LM 7.0 and
Win98) I'm averaging about 16 hours a unit in Linux, compared to 19 in



"Austin L. Denyer" wrote:
> Ok, what you do is this:
> Install all the SETI files into their own directory.
> If you want the graphical version then from a terminal session within X
> run
> ./setiathome -graphics & ./xsetiathome
> the -graphics tells it to format it's output for the graphical front end
> (xsetiathome).
> As Abe said, it will ask you for account details the first time it is
> run - that will either create a new one, or connect you to your old one.
> Note - whilst you can run multiple instances of SETI, they must each be
> in their own directory.  Also, you can only run one with the -graphics
> switch.
> If you want to be able to view multiple instances graphically, try
> Look@Seti (http://www.jhochwald.de/linux/lookatseti/e_index.html).
> Try it - you'll like it...
> Regards,
> Ozz.

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