
Larry, as always your thoughts are awesome, and profound.

Also much appreciated!

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On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Larry Marshall wrote:

> > > Frankly, I'm getting tired of people and their bloated sense of
> > > self-importance on this list, and have made up my mind that in a week, if 
>bashing and flaming doesn't all settle down, I'm leaving.
> Greg...I've left several conferences because I felt that the
> signal/noise ratio became unbearable so I can understand your
> feelings.  On the other hand, this conference seems to have a few
> people who have dubbed themselves list monitor, have set up their own
> rules as to what's "proper" and have acted accordingly.  In doing so
> they quickly label themselves as fools and it's always best to ignore
> fools.
> To decrease your own blood pressure, simply take their names and stick
> them in a filter that deletes any msg coming from them.  You'll be
> amazed at how quickly you can get reduce the "bashing and flaming"
> that you see here.
> > > been able to provide assistance, but the fact is that there should be
> > > absolutley no need to instruct new list members in methods of acceptable
> > > conduct.
> Unfortunately, this is the reality of the Internet.  Not only are many
> people new to Linux, they're new to writing/interacting in public
> forums.  Many things get said and actions taken that would never
> happen if all of us were standing in a hall talking about Linux. 
> Somehow, people need to learn that the 'standing in a hall' model is
> what's going on here and that the same common courtesy towards other
> humans that would be given in such a forum should be applied here. 
> Further, we also need to learn electronic ways of "walking away" from
> those few guys who are anti-social.  Filters are your feet in this
> case.  
> So, leave discussions containing people who irritate you but don't
> leave the party.
> > > For those who appreciate my help, if I do in fact leave you may continue to 
>write me off-list. But as things has been going, there is simply not much here to 
>keep me anymore.
> I appreciate anyone who's willing to write information here about
> using Linux.  They can write it in English, German, French or Swahili,
> though I'll only benefit personally if it's in French or English
> (grin).
> Cheers --- Larry

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