> > >  Firstly - how do know your modem is on com4?
> >
> > I looked it up under windows. Funny thing is there are two
> > of the same modem there. I delete one but it pops right
> > back up again. It is the pnp version I think since the name of
> > the modem is the same but with pnp added to it.
> OK....................
> does the list you see in control panel systems also show a device
> called HSF or similar???

Nope what is say for them is this.
U.S Robotics 33.6k FAX EXT for one and the other one
say the same but with PNP added at the end.

> I have a sneaking feeling we are looking at a winmodem here..
> Could you try the following for me??
> While in windows
> Open up Hyperterminal (start --> program files --> accessories)
> You'll need to set up a dummy account - call it test or fred or
> rubbish or something.
> Once the terminal window has opened type the following commands
> and recort the results for me.
> AT <cr>                    ( <cr> = tap the 'enter/return key )
> ATI <cr>
> ATI1 <cr>
> ATI2 <cr>
> ...
> and so on to
> ATI7 <CR>
> EXPECT to get some error messages back - they will be the simple word
> What I'm looking for is the make and type of modem - usually this
> info shows up at ATI5, 6 & 7.

I received a bunch of stuff but the stuff I think you were looking for came
up as.
ATI3 - U.S Robot ics 33600 fax v5.6.1
ATI - (1.0usroo85\\Modem\PNPC107\U.S Robot ics 33600 FAX EXT) FF

There was also a configuration Profile but I did not think you wanted to
this information as of yet.

> >
> > Before you ask I can not disable pnp in the BIOS. I tried but
> > this compaq I bought will not let me do that. The BIOS is not
> > much use other then the simple stuff. I think it is great that they
> > do this for less experience people but I think they should have
> > an option that will let you at everything if you want it.
> OPPS. My experience with Compaqs has not been good... but I think
> there are utilities available within the windows environment to alter
> the bios settings. (some help here from someone else maybe?)

I would love any help  that is out there, I have not heard of such a program
but I will be calling Compaq today to find out.

> > >  When you restart your machine from a cold boot you should see
> > >  a panel which shows serial and parallel device info. If you hit
> > >  the pause key on your keyboard you should be able to halt the boot
> > >  process so you can copy the data down. I want to know what your BIOS
> > >  tells us about your serial and parallel ports - ok?. You may
> > >  restart the boot process by tapping your space bar.
> opps - wrote that before I knew it was a Compaq we were dealing with.
> Once again I'm pretty sure we can locate the info we need with the
> on-board Compaq utility programs...
> > I did this and did not get any information on parallel ports. The
> > only things that showed up are my CD-Rom and Burner, built
> > in sound card (which does not work in Linux). It also says something
> > about a file that it can't find, I will be looking into that in the
> Ok - that's fine. It really helps to know what sorts of error messages
> come up - make a note of messeges about missing files they could be
> really importand in solving this windows or linux. Remember that during
> the bootup you can pause the display of messages my tapping the pause
> key on your keyboard.

I will write it down on next boot to let you know what it was.

> > In case you are wondering, I did disable the win98 logo so that I
> > could see everything as it boots up. :)
> Did you know that tapping your Escape key does the same thing???

LOL. nope did not know that but thanks to this fine list I am learning
all the time ;)

> > >
> > >  Once again - what type of mouse do you have - serial or USB ?
> >
> > Nope, I have one of those ps2 mouse, Little round adaptor. Not
> > really sure what it would show up as in windows or Linux, maybe
> > a serial port? Could this be the problem?
> ah - little round sucker - that will be a PS2 rat - more than likely
> it's a serial PS2 port on Com1 (That would be ttyS0 in linux) so
> now we know that the modem must be assigned somewhere else than Com1
> or ttyS0.
> Try this lot and we'll see if we can get you any closer - But we
> just might nee one of the lits' Compaq experts on board with us
> as well.

Well I hope that one come along soon ;) (help) heh..

Thanks once again for all the great help, I am sure the problem will be
solved in no time.


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