BTW - I can query the Modem in Linux and get a lot of
those ATI commands as well. Thought this might be useful
information as well..


----- Original Message -----
From: "John Rye" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Kandace Little" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem Problems :(

> Kandace Little wrote:
> You'll have another message from me sent before I got to this one.
> ok - we'll work thru this one step at a time.
> > >  Firstly - how do know your modem is on com4?
> >
> > I looked it up under windows. Funny thing is there are two
> > of the same modem there. I delete one but it pops right
> > back up again. It is the pnp version I think since the name of
> > the modem is the same but with pnp added to it.
> OK....................
> does the list you see in control panel systems also show a device
> called HSF or similar???
> I have a sneaking feeling we are looking at a winmodem here..
> Could you try the following for me??
> While in windows
> Open up Hyperterminal (start --> program files --> accessories)
> You'll need to set up a dummy account - call it test or fred or
> rubbish or something.
> Once the terminal window has opened type the following commands
> and recort the results for me.
> AT <cr>                    ( <cr> = tap the 'enter/return key )
> ATI <cr>
> ATI1 <cr>
> ATI2 <cr>
> ...
> and so on to
> ATI7 <CR>
> EXPECT to get some error messages back - they will be the simple word
> What I'm looking for is the make and type of modem - usually this
> info shows up at ATI5, 6 & 7.
> >
> > Before you ask I can not disable pnp in the BIOS. I tried but
> > this compaq I bought will not let me do that. The BIOS is not
> > much use other then the simple stuff. I think it is great that they
> > do this for less experience people but I think they should have
> > an option that will let you at everything if you want it.
> OPPS. My experience with Compaqs has not been good... but I think
> there are utilities available within the windows environment to alter
> the bios settings. (some help here from someone else maybe?)
> > >  When you restart your machine from a cold boot you should see
> > >  a panel which shows serial and parallel device info. If you hit
> > >  the pause key on your keyboard you should be able to halt the boot
> > >  process so you can copy the data down. I want to know what your BIOS
> > >  tells us about your serial and parallel ports - ok?. You may
> > >  restart the boot process by tapping your space bar.
> opps - wrote that before I knew it was a Compaq we were dealing with.
> Once again I'm pretty sure we can locate the info we need with the
> on-board Compaq utility programs...
> > I did this and did not get any information on parallel ports. The
> > only things that showed up are my CD-Rom and Burner, built
> > in sound card (which does not work in Linux). It also says something
> > about a file that it can't find, I will be looking into that in the
> Ok - that's fine. It really helps to know what sorts of error messages
> come up - make a note of messeges about missing files they could be
> really importand in solving this windows or linux. Remember that during
> the bootup you can pause the display of messages my tapping the pause
> key on your keyboard.
> > In case you are wondering, I did disable the win98 logo so that I
> > could see everything as it boots up. :)
> Did you know that tapping your Escape key does the same thing???
> > >
> > >  Once again - what type of mouse do you have - serial or USB ?
> >
> > Nope, I have one of those ps2 mouse, Little round adaptor. Not
> > really sure what it would show up as in windows or Linux, maybe
> > a serial port? Could this be the problem?
> ah - little round sucker - that will be a PS2 rat - more than likely
> it's a serial PS2 port on Com1 (That would be ttyS0 in linux) so
> now we know that the modem must be assigned somewhere else than Com1
> or ttyS0.
> > >  for my old colour deficiant eyes...
> > Done, I am sorry if I hurt you eyes hehe.. it was not my intent.
> > I think this email internet thing is just one big pain in the butt. Then
> > again it is all this trying to figuring out things the makes me love it,
> > go figure.
> You beauty - now I can read it without any probs at all...
> >
> > Thank you for your help, I look forward to hearing from you again.
> Try this lot and we'll see if we can get you any closer - But we
> just might nee one of the lits' Compaq experts on board with us
> as well.
> --
> ICQ# 89345394     Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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