On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Hello:
>  Whats the commands to edit this:::
>  id:3:initdefault from the liLo prompt.
>  I wanna make it id:5:initdefault
> Thnx
I think you can type linux 5  or something at the LiLo prompt to boot into a
graphical login screen.  However it is only for that session and you will
still need to alter the /etc/inittab file once you have booted.

I'm not sure what you want.  This only changes the login screen ONCE you have
booted into Linux.  LiLo will still remain the same.  If it is the LiLo prompt
you want changing then the other suggestions will do this by helping you change
to Grub.

If you are dual booting you can always install boot magic into windows and move
LiLo / Grub to the secondary boot record (it is now in the master boot record.

Boot magic is a totally graphical boot manager that responds to your mouse as
well as your keyboard.


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