welcome to the club!

First Question:

I recently tried to install Linux-Mandrake 6.5 or 6.2 (Whichever the
may be, the cover says both) I already have Win 98, Win 2K, and Win
NT on
this computer, so I bought another hard drive for Linux.  I used
commander to create a Linux partition on the second hard drive (Both
regular linux partition, and a swap partition).  I installed it
according to
the rules, but LILO won't install.  I can boot it from the boot disk
that I
created, but I can't boot it otherwise.  I tried to read up on it in
manual, but that's in a different language.

....are you sure lilo is installed on your MBR? this is probably on
your windows drive I know it's scary to overwrite it but anything
can be fixed

Second question:

I booted Linux with the boot disk, and the GUI takes up more than my
I can go to the right, left, up, or down with the mouse and it will
it, but it really seems strange.  Is this normal?

.......this is normal it's a type of virtual desktop, it's annoying
for most but some like the extra desktop space it gives them.
Unfortunately I can't remember what to do to get rid of it, I think
you have to edit your xf86config file.
have you considered upgrading to mandrake 7.1? It is amazingly

good luck!


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