>  boot. It's all done from the keyboard. Frankly, I think the hype about
>  Grub is a lot of hot air and I don't see what all the fuss is about. 

Hype?  Not sure I know what you're referring to Mark but I'd agree that it
doesn't do much beyond what Lilo does.  It's really too bad that the graphics
are a bit nicer it currently isn't very professional/modern looking.  The
single thing that Corel does right is in setting up a decent menu of boot

Speaking of Grub, anyone know how to get the cursor to be sitting on an option
that ISN'T the default?  For most I suspect that Grub is used to choose between
Windows and Linux most of the time.  It makes sense to have the cursor on the
option that ISN'T the default as all you'd have to do is hit a <CR> rather than
moving the cursor from the default to the other one...in my case Windows.

I can rearrange the menu order, change colors, change defaults but I see no way
of determining where the cursor is going to sit and it always comes up on the
default, the option that I NEVER interact with the menu to get (just let it
auto-boot through Grub to the default).

Cheers --- Larry

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