> Uh oh I think I might see the problem, the menu.lst file
>  is missing, do I just create it? Or is the install
>  supposed to do that?

The install should have done that.  Here's my menu.lst file.  I'm going to drop
some comments into it to explain it to you.  If you're going to use this, you
need to delete them.  I'll preface them with # but I'm not sure if grub will
ignore them as comments.  BTW, are you the guy who originally asked about what
Grub looks like?  Were you left at the grub> prompt with no way to exit?

timeout 5

#This is the number of seconds before your default OS is booted.

color black/cyan

#These set some colors

i18n (hd0,4)/grub/messages

# This says to put grub's message file on the boot partition of Linux in the grub dir.

keytable (hd0,4)/us.klt

# tells grub where its definitions are

default 1

#defines the default boot system...starting with zero, these are in the order listed

title windows
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

# an OS definition.  This defines Windows as being "zero"

title linux
kernel (hd0,4)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6  hdc=ide-scsi

# Linux is "1"

title failsafe
kernel (hd0,4)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6  hdc=ide-scsi failsafe

# failsafe is a survival boot mode in case of emergency

title floppy
root (fd0)
chainloader +1

# choosing this forces a boot from a floppy.

I hope this is clear.  As people here have suggested, if you're running 7.1
(which has a Lilo without restrictions) I think you're better off running Lilo.
 Easier too as it's likely that all you'd have to do at this point is type
"lilo" from the commandline as the root user and you'd be off and running.

Cheers --- Larry

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