Hi -

I am having problems getting PPOE working with my new Mandrake
install. When I invoke PPOE, it just times out, and tailing
/var/log/messages gives me this:

Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppd[3477]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppd[3477]: Using interface ppp0
Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppd[3477]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/2
Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza modprobe: Note: /etc/conf.modules is more recent
than /lib
Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppoe[3478]: ioctl(SIOCGIFHWADDR): No such device
Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppd[3477]: write: warning: Input/output error (5)
Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppd[3477]: Modem hangup
Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppd[3477]: Connection terminated.
Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppd[3477]: Exit.
Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza adsl-connect: ADSL connection lost; attempting

I am connecting to Bell Canada's HSE service in Toronto Canada.

My system config is P300A, 64MB ram, abit motherboard, DLINK Ethernet

I suspect my problem is with the ehternet driver, but I am not sure. The
card, modem, and ADSL work fine in the same machine from
Windows. <shudder>

I can get the card to show up in ifconfig - not sure if that can be used
as evidence that my ethernet driver works.

Any suggesitons appreciated -

Scott Allan

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