Are you using the pppoe from the mandrake install?  If so, you should
try rr-pppoe from  Make sure to read the
help or how-to file included.  

Also, this is from Larry Marsahll on the list:

"Then, what I'd recommend is that you set up a couple aliases in your
.bashrc file to execute the asdl apps.  The reason for this is that
it's a pain to have to su to root everytime you want to execute stuff
like this.  Rather, you can get past this by using "kdesu" to automate
the process some.  My aliases look like:

alias mo='kdesu -c adsl-start'
alias umo='kdesu -c adsl-stop'

Typing "mo" pops up a window so I can enter the root password and then
it spools up my connection."

He's refering to a work-around to not being able to use the "adsl-start"
"adsl-stop" and "adsl-status" commands from a user other than root.

Hope this helps!

-Paul R

Scott Allan wrote:
> Hi -
> I am having problems getting PPOE working with my new Mandrake
> install. When I invoke PPOE, it just times out, and tailing
> /var/log/messages gives me this:
> Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppd[3477]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
> Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppd[3477]: Using interface ppp0
> Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppd[3477]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/2
> Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza modprobe: Note: /etc/conf.modules is more recent
> than /lib
> /modules/2.2.15-4mdk/modules.dep
> Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppoe[3478]: ioctl(SIOCGIFHWADDR): No such device
> Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppd[3477]: write: warning: Input/output error (5)
> Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppd[3477]: Modem hangup
> Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppd[3477]: Connection terminated.
> Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza pppd[3477]: Exit.
> Sep 27 20:31:58 mozza adsl-connect: ADSL connection lost; attempting
> re-connecti
> on.
> I am connecting to Bell Canada's HSE service in Toronto Canada.
> My system config is P300A, 64MB ram, abit motherboard, DLINK Ethernet
> card.
> I suspect my problem is with the ehternet driver, but I am not sure. The
> card, modem, and ADSL work fine in the same machine from
> Windows. <shudder>
> I can get the card to show up in ifconfig - not sure if that can be used
> as evidence that my ethernet driver works.
> Any suggesitons appreciated -
> sA
> Scott Allan

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