Hi James,

What version of Xfree86 are you running?  I had the same problem (although
I'm not sure why) with 4.0.1 and 3.3.6 ( I think )
4.0 seems to be the only one that worked wel for me (even during the
initial set up)  I did manage to get the NVidia drivers installed when I
was running 4.0.1 and belive it or not (yes I know its only 3d support) X
worked after this.  I just went back to the 4.0 Xfree86 and installed the
NVidia drivers again and everything works great.... I'm running a GeForce
256 32MB 4X agp


>I wish mine had just installed 2D at install.  It would not work with the
>card otherwise I would not ask the question.  It Tries the Geforce driver
>the install and then tries to test it and fails to work.  I dont know why.
>That is why I was asking for help.  I am not involved in their pissing
>contest.  I joined after all that stuff was going on aparently.

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