Tried to install 7.0 for the first time. It installed
ok up to the point where it should configure X
Windows. Instead of seeing the "Is this the correct
setting?" display, monitor went completely dark.

That seems to indicate that the graphics card is not
supported?!? It is a #9GXE64 (powered by S3 Trio 64) -
the original card in my 5 year old Dell.

Having looked up the website, I found
that the S3 Trio 64  generic cards should be supported
by the XF86_S3 driver in the XFree86 release.

So, why can't I see the X Windows display, and how can
I fix this? 

Rebooting the machine boots directly into the Linux
command line prompt, so I can get into text based
version of Linux. Well, getting into it does not mean
I would know how to get around it, so easy on the
advice, please



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