On Mon, 2 Oct 2000 19:44:56 -0500 (CDT), you wrote:

>When you run 'ifconfig' does it show up as eth0 or something like that? If
>not you might try using netcfg to setup the networking to know about the
>ethernet card and your connections settings.

OK, what I get is this:

lo      Link encap:Local Loopback
        inet addr: Mask:
        UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:3924 Metric:1
        RX packets:() errors:() dropped:() overruns:() frame:()
        TX packets:() errors:() dropped:() overruns:() carrier:()
        collisions:() txqueuelen:()

Should I glean anything from that? 

>Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sungod robes
> on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little
>pickles at you? -- Real Genius
>On Mon, 2 Oct 2000, Romanator wrote:
>> Romanator wrote:
>> > 
>> > Roger Sherman wrote:
>> > >
>> > > OK, I've finally gone broadband! Life is good. Except for one thing -
>> > > I'm still a completely ignorant newbie. I thought I had increased my
>> > > own learning curve over the last month, but apparently not :-/
>> > >
>> > > Oh well...;-)
>> > >
>> > > So, anywho, I have a 3com Etherlink Nic card, (model 3C900B-TPO),
>> > > along with the 3com HomeConnect cable modem. When I booted into linux
>> > > after physically installing it, kudzu came up, and said it installed
>> > > it, but Linux doesnt seem to see it.
>> > >
>> > > So, the long and short of this is, how do I configure this thing?
>> > > Starting from installation, through configuring the network...if
>> > > someone could just point me to a place where I could read about it,
>> > > hopefully that was written for complete, total newbies to linux, that
>> > > would be great.
>> > >
>> > > Thanks!
>> > >
>> > > peace,
>> > >
>> > > Rog
>> > > http://www.slammingrooves.com
>> > 
>> > Hi Roger,
>> > 
>> > Check out the following link(s):
>> > 
>> > http://www.cablemodemhelp.com/
>> > 
>> > http://www.kernel-panic.org/user_files/cable-linux.html
>> > 
>> > If you get stuck, I have additional links.
>> > 
>> > Good Luck!!
>> > 
>> > --
>> > Roman
>> > Registered Linux User #179293
>> > Support Linux drivers:
>> > http://www.libranet.com/petition.html
>> By the way, I am using a 3Com905c and work great!
>> -- 
>> Roman
>> Registered Linux User #179293
>> Support Linux drivers:
>> http://www.libranet.com/petition.html



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