I've found out a little more about the nature of my problem (Linux on my slave
IDE works fine but I can't boot Windows on my masteer IDE after installing a
second Linux system). Basically I guess the partition table is all messed up.
Running diskdrake reports "partitions sector # 15004773) (14652MB) and sector
#12595023 (4737 MB) are overlapping". Those are at the end of my fourth FAT32
partition and somewhere in the second Linux system respectively.

I also get contradictory information on the contents of the FAT32 partitions.
Everythings fine according to du, but df indicates that files aren't on the
partitions they're supposed to be:

root@MyLinux ~ > du -sh /mnt/DOS_hda1/
1.6G    /mnt/DOS_hda1
root@MyLinux ~ > du -sh /mnt/DOS_hda6/
1.6G    /mnt/DOS_hda6
root@MyLinux ~ > du -sh /mnt/DOS_hda7/
12k     /mnt/DOS_hda7

My first FAT32 partitions contains my Windows 95 files and my third FAT32
partition contains a copy (in case I have to do something that would destroy
the first partition). The fourth FAT32 partition is empty. Everything is as it
should be here.

root@MyLinux ~ > df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdb6             2.1G  1.2G  784M  61% /
/dev/hda1             3.6G   48k  3.6G   0% /mnt/DOS_hda1
/dev/hda6             3.6G  1.7G  1.8G  48% /mnt/DOS_hda6
/dev/hda7             3.6G  1.2G  2.3G  34% /mnt/DOS_hda7
/dev/hdb5              11M  3.1M  7.7M  29% /boot
/dev/hdb7             573M  428M  116M  79% /home

According to this however, the first FAT32 partition contains only 48k. The
third partition /dev/hda6 contains 1.7G, that might me a rounding error. The
fourth partition /dev/hda7 contains 1.2G, although it should be empty. The
partition table seems to be out of whack.

root@MyLinux ~ > fdisk -l /dev/hda
Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1866 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes
   Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   *         1       467   3751146    b  Win95 FAT32
/dev/hda2           468      1867  11245500    f  Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/hda5           468       469     16033+  83  Linux
/dev/hda6           935      1401   3751146    b  Win95 FAT32
/dev/hda7          1402      1867   3743113+   b  Win95 FAT32
/dev/hda8           470       752   2273166   83  Linux
/dev/hda9           753       784    257008+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda10          785       935   1212876   83  Linux                         

Here's the complete layout of my master IDE. Everything's as it should be
according to this.

Bottom line is that my partition table is all screwed up. Does anyone know how
to fix it?

All help appreciated,
John Hendrickx

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