    Using a floppy made by and wih the utilities from the version of Windon't 
that you have installed (and there are several versions of Win95 alone), 
booting to the floppy and fdisk /mbr should work.  I don't know if it would 
work on versions after Win98, but on any earlier version it works (be sure to 
remove the floppy or it will again boot to the floppy).  The floppy MUST be 
MSDOS not Linux.  Pardon me for stating the obvious, but one never knows what 
the person on the other end of the message knows.  
    Did you shrink the Windon't partition?  Are you getting any error 
messages?  I'm wondering if you shrunk the partition (you did defrag Win 
first and didn't cut the end of the occupied section off, right?) to the 
point that there isn't disk space for Windon't to set up a virtual memory 
file.  -Gary-

In a message dated 10/7/2000 7:03:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< recognized anymore. Help! I've tried fdisk /mbr from a floppy, that
 didn't work. The Windows files are there, I can access them as

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