> As far as I can tell at this time when I have a printing problem it
> has been with the defaults that application has for printing AND
> nothing to do with printcap, lpd, lpr, lpc, etc, etc, etc. To say the

I think, as I interpret your msg, that the problem is that you don't have
the filter for lpr setup proper.  lpr is going to look for the definition
in printcap (lp) and that label should point to a filter for your
particular printer.  

Did you select such a filter when you did the installation?  You're asked
whether you want to set up a printer and from what I can see what the
install program does is put a proper filter into /var/spool/lpd/lp and
they name it filter.  All I did was select the type of inkjet I had (it 
actually auto-detected it so I just pressed <CR>) and it not only dumped
the proper filter in place, it stuck a comment in printcap saying what lp
was set for.   

> least I am not particularly impressed with this bit of
> KDE/Linux/Mandrake or where ever it may fall. I do not consider it to

You're probably smarter than I am but when things like this don't work it
generally turns out that it's been my understanding that's the limiting

> be a high expectation for an application to figure out what printers
> a system has available. If it can figure out it needs lpr, then

lpr is simply a way to give any application a known hook to the
printer.  That's what printcap is for.  You can add multiple filters (with
separate definitions) and you can add multiple names for the same
definition.  This includes setting up multiple definitions/filters for the
same print device (eg - forced B&W, forced COLOR, economy mode, etc).

> somewhere along the line it should present me with a choice of
> printers listed in printcap. There was one app that did present me
> with a choice, though I do not remember which one it was.

Choices are presented during installation and test prints are
permitted.  It's possible that you simply don't have any of this set
up.  My printcap shouts loud and clear the type of printer I'm printing to
and you can read it with any editor.

Cheers --- Larry

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