On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 09:10:01 -0400 (EDT), Larry Marshall wrote:

>> /etc/profile has a comment that PATH is taken care of by Mandrake Security.
>> Removing the # and adding dirs has no affect on the path. Could someone point
>> out:
>You didn't say why you wanted to change the path but I think you're
>looking in the wrong place.

Well, Red Hat 6 Unleashed pointed me in that direction. Thus why I asked Q #2

>> 1) Where Mandrake hides the ability to update the path
>Who's path?  If you want the default user path changed, change
>/etc/bashrc.  If you want to change your user path, make changes to
>.bashrc in your home directory. 

I'd like to updated what in the Win2K world would be the system's path so that
all users get updated. I am installing the Object Rexx language which I will
want to be active for all users.

>> 4) Where should I set other env vars so I don't have to run *.sh scripts to set
>> / export env vars before running programs I've installed.
>Two things here.  The path change will cause them to be "available" but if
>you want to run them as though they are executable, you have to make sure
>they have their execute bits set.  Quite often shell scripts are
>distributed without this being the case.  If you're only going to run it
>once (like during an install), it might be easier to use "sh install.sh"

IBM provides a script to modify the env vars, run export on those vars, and you
are all set until you logoff. I would like to modify all of those vars at a
system level.

IBM must have set the execute bit as I have no problem running the file.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

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