I recently asked if anyone knew how to set up Java for Star Office 5.2.
Since I got no reply, I assumed no one knew.  I have it up and
running now and it actually turns out to be fairly straight forward.

1.  Download JDK118_v3-glibc-2.1.2.tar.bz from the Blackdown site.
     http://www.blackdown.org    It is the only version that SO 5.2 will
     recognize.  You can extract it with tar -xvvIf JDK118*******.bz
     That is a capital "I" and not L or 1.

2.  When you open SO 5.2, it looks for it automatically.  Open "Bookmarks"
     and go to "Java Setup".  You will find that it has already located it.  If
     you click 'OK", it updates the "JAVA HOME=" line in the sofficerc and
     the change takes effect the next time you of SO 5.2.

Barry :-)

Registered Linux User #183879

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