OK, usually, .gz files are also what are called "tarballs". If after the
gunzip, you are left with a *.tar file, you need to untar the file package.
Use:   tar -xvf filename

Tar is a utility to package a folder or combination of files into a single
file. It does this withouth compression. gzip does the compression. You can
read about tar by typing:  man tar  (use  ':q' to exit)

the tar utility will extract the files to a directory, usually called
something almost exactly like the name of the file. Whe you type  ls  it
should appear in blue, as a directory (white is a standard/non-executable
file, red is an rpm package, green is an executable file, light blue is a
link, etc...)

cd to the new directory and there should be one or both of README and
INSTALL.  Use whichever text editor you like to view these (vi is always
present in an installation, although some don't like it--it's the only one
*I* use). Type:  vi README,  or vi INSTALL.  use the arrow keys to navigate,
and the same  colon-q (:q) to quit.

Follow the directions in the two files.

For the ppp problem, you may have configured the ISP information
incorrectly. In terminal, su to root (type  su   and enter root's
passwrod--of course I'm assuming you do the right thing and avoid logging in
as root all the time)

Type   linuxconf   and under networking|basic host information|ppp/slip/plip
enter all your information: phone # username, password (secret) DNS IP
addresses, etc. click quit|quit|activate changes, and you should be done.

Let me know what you had done previously to configure your ISP info, and
I'll be better prepared to tell you what is lacking or incorrect.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Ralph Avery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm a complete newbie to Linux, so this may seem a little lame to most of
>  you.  I've been following these messages for some time looking for
>  information on how to configure, install, and use my sound card and
>  I have a VIA sound card that has a (Red Hat) Linux driver on the CD.
> a
>  *.gz file.  I tried to use gunzip to unzip it, but then I don't know what
> to
>  do with it after that.
>  I noticed recently during the boot up process that I see a RED [Failed]
>  by.  Most of what I see says [Passed].  I believe it has something to do
>  with a sound card device failing, but it goes by too fast.  (Is there any
>  way to slow this down, or view a text file that shows the order in which
>  things are executed, mounted, whatever, during the boot up process)
>  I recently found out that my modem is obviously already configured for
>  Linux. I configured a PPP connection that causes it to dial.  I hear it
>  dialing, I hear it connecting, but I have no way to check anything else.
> It
>  will keep dialing and connecting about every 10 minutes, but  I have no
> idea
>  how to use that connection.  Netscape doesn't show any way in it's GUI to
>  configure it to use a specific PPP connection, and I can't get Netscape
>  navigate even when I'm connected.
>  Any help with any of these would be greately appreciated.  If anyone has
> any
>  useful information from when they were learning Linux, I'm all ears.

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