Ralph Avery wrote:
>  I'm a complete newbie to Linux, so this may seem a little lame to most of
>  you.  I've been following these messages for some time looking for
>  information on how to configure, install, and use my sound card and modem.

Most of us have been newbies at one time or another!!
>  I have a VIA sound card that has a (Red Hat) Linux driver on the CD.  It's a
>  *.gz file.  I tried to use gunzip to unzip it, but then I don't know what to
>  do with it after that.

*.gz doesn't really help much here - you should really post more of the

But: if the file is named something like "via-2.7.98.tar.gz" your
from a terminal/console/plaintext screen should be as follows:

'tar -zxvf via-2.7.98.tar.gz' (without the quotes).

Running this commandline will extract (in most cases) the files within
the archive to a subdirectory within the directory from which you gave
the command. In the example above, the subdirectory would be named
 'via-2.7.98' (again without the quotes)

Normally you would 'cd via-2.7.98' to change into that directory.

Now the REALLY IMPORTANT PART!!!! Within that directory there _should_
be a file called 'README' along with a bunch of other files. You should
read and understand the content of the README before proceeding because
will(should) explain the next few steps for you.

Usually however you'll execute a series of instructions which are as
become superuser (type 'su' tap <enter>, type the superuser password and
<enter> again and then
'make install'

That should be enough to get you really asking questions!!! I'll see
pops up eh?
>  I noticed recently during the boot up process that I see a RED [Failed] go
>  by.  Most of what I see says [Passed].  I believe it has something to do
>  with a sound card device failing, but it goes by too fast.  (Is there any
>  way to slow this down, or view a text file that shows the order in which
>  things are executed, mounted, whatever, during the boot up process)

Those messages are recorded during each bootup in the file
you can look at those messages by executing 'dmesg' (Without Quotes).

The next step is dependant on what particular step is failing.
>  I recently found out that my modem is obviously already configured for
>  Linux. I configured a PPP connection that causes it to dial.  I hear it
>  dialing, I hear it connecting, but I have no way to check anything else. It
>  will keep dialing and connecting about every 10 minutes, but  I have no idea
>  how to use that connection.  Netscape doesn't show any way in it's GUI to
>  configure it to use a specific PPP connection, and I can't get Netscape to
>  navigate even when I'm connected.

We need rather more info that you've given us here. 
How/where did you make the configuration?
Are you using Dial-on-demand?

Netscape should be configured with your ISP's details in the Edit ->
menu - of which the very minimum is the address of a homepage - although
you may not even have to do that in some cases.

>  Any help with any of these would be greately appreciated.  If anyone has any
>  useful information from when they were learning Linux, I'm all ears.

How did you set up your windows dialer? Was it already done when you
possession of the machine? Netscape and Internet Explorer are not that
different when it comes to functions.


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