
I had a similar problem and this is what I got from this list,

Sounds like you did an automatic install under Mandrake.  The automatic
install does not install the dhcp client.  You had to do that manually.  You
give no indication of which (if any) Window Manager you use so:
     Login as root
     put the initial installation cd in the cdrom drive.
     From the command line type 'cd /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS'
     Then type 'rpm -i dhcp-client-3.0b1pl12-4mdk.i586.rpm'
     Then type 'shutdown -r now'

Hope this helps.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael J" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 5:06 PM
Subject: [newbie] Problem with 3Com ether 3C905B under 7.1?

> I have a DSL line at home.  Tried setting up a new machine
> (ASUS P5A w/ onboard audio, AMD K6-2/400, 32MB, 8G disk,
> S3 video, 3Com 3C905B ethernet adapter, Cisco 675 DSL box)
> with the "development" option on Mandrake 7.1 (the main
> "installation" CD only, downloaded from the Old Dominion
> University mirror in Virginia late last week).
> The distribution determined the correct ethernet card type,
> asked for an IP, the gateway IP, primary DNS, and the netmask.
> I gave it correct values (verified by a coworker whose home
> machine setup is similar).
> Nothing happens when I try to get outside the box.  I have
> tried pinging the gateway IP, as well as telnetting out to
> known addresses for my ISP.  The little yellow lights on the
> DSL doohickey don't flash under any circumstance, although
> the green lights all do.
> I have tried swapping the card with one in my Win95 machine,
> and both cards work under Win95, but neither works under 7.1
> Any ideas?  At this point I am assuming it is a driver problem.
> Is the 3C905 driver known to work under 7.1?  I remember that
> Caldera didn't support this card in one of their releases about
> six months ago.
>          Thanks,
>          Michael
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