Not that I know of.  I looked all through the BIOS and I saw no such

And this is the only suggestion I've received.  Are there any others????? 


oNb wrote: 

  "Michael H. Bracey" wrote: 

  > Sorry if this is a re-post.  I never saw the original one show up... 
  > I'm booting from the CD-ROM to make a first install of 7.2 on a 27.9G
  > HD with only the existing windows partition.  Everything seems to go
  > until I hit the confirming screen which requires an OK to go ahead
  > the partitioning process.  But as soon as this dialog box pops up,
  > everything freezes up.  I can't even scroll down, cancel, or go back
to a
  > previous install step.  My only recourse is to reboot.  Nothing seems
  > be harmed, as I can reboot to the CD to try again or reboot to the HD
  > get W98 back just fine.  Why can't I partition? 
  > (I did scandisk and defrag as recommended.) 
  > Thanks for the help,
  > Michael

  Are you using a BIOS feature to prevent writing the MBR? Some stop it
  LMK, others don't. 

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