Observe though that most of us on the lists are enthusiastic Linux users, 
hackers, some/many testing several different distributions, and/or computer 
professionals in one way or another. 
And note that; there are very many happy Linux users out there who are 'not' 
participating in these lists because everything is probably running to their 
great satisfaction...;-)


On Saturday 11 November 2000 09:24, you wrote:
-> I regret to say that receiving the newbie list has been the most
-> upsetting experiance.
-> it suggests that no one ever gets linux to work!
-> I joined with out the ability to print from star office or word perfect
-> niether word processor is a patch on lotus smart suite, and apart from
-> their inherant problems  they seem to run ever so slowly on wine?
-> I shall go on playing with linux and working with os2 and have ordered
-> the update to warp5.
-> regards peter bunce

 * Running Linux & KDE *

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