It was Nov 11, 2000, 11:36, when eagleice keyboarded:

>Observe though that most of us on the lists are enthusiastic Linux users, 
>hackers, some/many testing several different distributions, and/or computer 
>professionals in one way or another. 
>And note that; there are very many happy Linux users out there who are 'not' 
>participating in these lists because everything is probably running to their 
>great satisfaction...;-)
>-> I regret to say that receiving the newbie list has been the most
>-> upsetting experiance.
>-> it suggests that no one ever gets linux to work!

Biggest problem here, I think, is that most pc's are equipped with
hardware that is very cutting-edge new. Linux is always a bit behind on
developing drivers. Another thing is that many windows users get fed up
with windows (hear hear) and want to switch. But linux is a much different
way of using the computer. Windows setup takes one by the hand as if one
is a blabbering idiot. linux setup requires some knowledge of the system.
Requires preparation, and that you read things so you know what you are
working with.

I am running Linux since december last year 100% and I love it. I am using
it since many years, but made the transition from Windoze. And there is no
way back for me.

Yes, the upgrade on the second pc gives me a problem. But I do not sit and
whine, I am looking for a way to get it fixed. And glad that I have this
list for help, and I do not have to deliver my soul to MS-support.


A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
-Milton Berle - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
              -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

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