On Sat, 11 Nov 2000, you wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> For specific reasons beyond my control, I still require Windows NT for
> certain applications.
> However, I prefer to work in a Linux environment.
> Do most people have Linux installed on a separate drive or partition?
> Is there a Linux boot loader that will acknowledge the second drive?
> Any thoughts?
> Roman
> Registered Linux User #179293

Of course, I have Linux installed on separate partitons--I have
/,/home,/usr,/var,/tmp--all seperate, plus my NT partition,  on a single 9 Gig
scsi drive.  I don't have NT as NTFS, by the way, I'm using FAT for my NT
partition, though I understand the newer distros can read NTFS, but I also have
W98 on my network, so FAT is the choice for file sharing.  I use the NT Loader
as my bootloader, and have Linux as the default boot system.  How this is done
is fairly well documented on several websites--I saw one recently on a site with
the unlikely name of "The Little White Dog" that explained how to use the Win
2000 loader to start Linux, but the instructions for NT are exactly the same. 
The only caution is that NT4 must be installed first (kinda like all Windoze).

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