Erylon Hines wrote:
> > install windows2k first on its own partition. Assumeinging you have some
> > space not yet  partitioned for  mandrake  and let mandrake partion it for
> > you  it will install  grub and you should be able  at  boot up determine
> > which oss you want  running
> Are you actually doing this??  I've heard through the grapevine that Win2000
> has some serious issues if it doesn't have control of the mbr.  I know that NT4
> sometimes refuses to boot if its bootloader isn't the controller (I've never
> got Lilo to successfully boot NT, but NT boots Lilo with no problem).

I am using NT4 SP5. I have received an upgrade to Y2K but I'm very leary
about installing it.
And, there is an issue with Win2000 and control of the mbr. I'll have to
check this out.
Next stop - Linux.

Registered Linux User #179293

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