Yeah, I've got that figured out but my question I'm having is will linux
just ignore the second drive when it is missing or will it hiccup because it
expects a drive (in the bay) when it's not there?

Windows doesn't care, I can pull out the drive and put it back in (rebooting
of course) and it always handles it ok.  Will linux do this too?  Do I have
to manually mount and unmoun the drive each time?

-----Original Message-----
From: L. H. LOO [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 2:16 AM
To: rbh
Cc: Mark Johnson
Subject: Re: [newbie] using a removable hard drive (DOS)

At 07:12 PM 16-11-2000 -0800, you wrote:
>Subject: [newbie] using a removable hard drive (DOS)
>What I would like to do is put in another bay so that while in Linux I can 
>get to my windows drive.  But I i'm not sure how I would mount the drive

You need two bays : one for Linux and one for Windows, { presume you also 
have a cdrom, that makes a total of three 5 .25 inch bays }.  Your computer 
case may not have the space needed, here is the fun comes in : connect the 
C: drive and the cdrom to the first IDE connector, connect second harddisk 
ribbon cable to the second IDE connector 'snake' the cable through a port 
hole outside the case, connect the cable to the bay; do the same to the 
power cable for the bay.  In case you do not follow what I said, mail me 
out side the list. HTH

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