Tue, 21 Nov 2000  19:45:50

I am sitting here in trouble with my penguin,

        While preforming a MDK 7.2 expert installation (Hey,..no
smirking) 8-) I cannot make anything go into the Linux extended
partition with this installer?

        I have a 2g dos on hda primary 1...and another on primary
2...primary 3 is a 30m linux boot....

        I made primary 4 a Linux  extended to the end of the 20g IBM
deskstar......all seems OK.

        I have clicked that installer to death but it will not allow
me to put the rest of the partitions into the extended? just ...nobody
home...it is not frozen or locked, it just will not open a panel for
the next partition in the extended. Type linux extended partition
0x85...that is the correct type?   right?.

        This is the touchey part of the install and I really don't
want to destroy the table...but if someone would suggest an area to
apply some force, I will tap it a little?

Waiting for you
Olly P

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