On Tue, 21 Nov 2000 19:54:13 -0800, Alan S wrote:

>Olly....I can think offhand of two basic approaches.
>One would be to boot up on your other Linux system, login as 
>root and use fdisk to delete partition 4 and then log out and 
>reboot with the installation CD and let it do the 
>partitioning automatically telling it to use the 
>unpartitioned area of the drive at the proper time.
>The other also would be to boot up on your other Linux 
>system, login as root and this time to use fdisk to add the 
>partitions inside partition 4 and then log out and reboot 
>with the installation CD.  Then boot up with the installation 
>CD and when it asks, assign the mount points yourself.
Wed, 22 Nov 2000  02:13:12

Both logical solutions Alan, but my other system is in a old P-166
across the room (no lan 8-) .and my Tom's rootboot is too old for Mdk
7.2...........but I think I am over...

        Here is the saga, long and plaintive... I started with a 2g
fat16 with W95 newly on, a brand new 20 gig Ibm Deskstar..working
well, even the PCI modem...the rest of the disc" Bare".

        I started the MDK 7.2 install and rapidly  arrived at "expert"
Disc partitioning ...I made another 2gig fat and then a 30m Linux boot
and the forth primary went to an extended linux partition for the rest
of the disc...

        For some reason? I stuck in a floppy and hit the "write table
to backup" button (or similar)...man I am so glad I did, because this
install was spiraling out of control,I would have been in the same
condition as Pauls install...... but for that floppy I would have lost
the table. A normal person would have waited until the table was
complete to back it up?

        After I tried to put linux partitions on the extended, nothing
worked as advertised ..it would accept one and then overwrite it
....then it would give the old "proceed at your own risk" error that
Paul mentioned as he lost his.....then the whole install froze
        I was compelled to hit reset and boot back to the CD-Rom, work
forward to the part table, and then recover from the floppy... back to
the extended partition like clockwork....

        I tried every way even putting swap 1st in the extended? after
rebooting several more times ( love that floppy)...I decided to do a
delete on the extended and run the wizard.....well that worked OK and
KDE sits before me in nice color....

        In summery, I will say I am not happy with the fact that I
have no separate Var and home, and all the other things I like to do
with partitions...I sadly miss the  Fdisk option of Helios 6.1 and
doubt that I will be able to live without a separate home at the
minimum...I wish they would have given me an option to choose Fdisk.

        I will mail these discs to Australia tomorrow, but I plan to
get another pair... Next time, I shall use the Fdisk from my 6.1 to
rig the Deskstar and then start the 7.2 install on a completed table.

        Thank you for your good suggestions Alan, in my moment of
panic...it was a good fight til three o clock in the morning ,..... I
half way won <grin>.

Pardon my arrogance in using a "Expert install" 8-)

Thanks again
Olly P
    PS..it took 45 min to suck both disks with the wizard, a total
"development" should be there.

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