
I've recently upgraded my Mandrake system from 7.0 to 7.2.  I had a 
couple of complications during the install which I won't go into, but 
ended up with a fresh format & install of a Mandrake 7.2 Workstation.  I 
installed all packages available under the 'Custom' option.

One thing I haven't been able to figure out is how to get Apache's http 
daemon (httpd) working.  In fact, I'm not even sure that Apache was 
installed.  Should it be installed as a Workstation install, or would I 
have to had chosen the Server option?  Once it is installed, how to you 
start it?  I appears that it is now done through Webmin, but even that 
didn't seem clear.  I have turned on the apache module in Linuxconf's 
List of modules and rebooted but I am still not seeing my usual 
/etc/httpd/ directory.  Not sure what to try next short of a full Server 

Thanks in advance
- jim

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