Did you create a boot disk when you installed Linux?

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Dryburgh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 12:14 PM
Subject: [newbie] Booting to Linux

I have "installed" Linux Mandrake from PCPlus (UK) October magazine disk.
I'm more than certain that I followed the instructions to a tee (there
weren't many options).  
I used partition E (5Gb) of my previously partitioned 10Gb HDD to locate
Windows OS is on C (2.5Gb) and my data is on D(2.5Gb).
Now, I can't access partition D, though I see that this is a problem
encountered and tackled before (it's in the webpage's FAQs)........but I
can't boot Mandrake to get it back. There's nothing in my root C directory
to give me the option of booting to either Linux or Windows. Is there
something I can download ? Are there additional settings to change in BIOS ?
I can't access Linux directories or partitions from DOS (or windows) either
- is this correct ? 
Yep - I'm a complete Linux novice and have been a little bit quick to jump
Please help - I need to access the data on D:\ quickly !

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