I would like to get my Viper 550 AGP working with Nvidia drivers, but I need
to update XFree86.  So, I installed XFree86 4.0.1 with the RPM included with
the Mandrake disk (I used the "mandrake update" program or whatever it's
called. I think the file name was something like XFree-server-4.0.1.rpm.)
Then, I exit Xwindows and use "xf86config" to set up my stuff.  I'm positive
that all the info is right, but when I then try "startx" it fails to init
because it had an "unknown error" with the dbe module.  Is there anything
special I need to do? insmod maybe?  Am I looking at the correct
configuration file ("XF86Config", right? or is it XF86Config-4?)  Is there
more I need to install?

Any information is greatly appreciated.  Thanks very much.


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